Horseshoe Quoits


Horseshoes Quoits – what sport could be better for the young, the old, and everyone in between? If your family is competitive, or looking for something with a bit of oddity and nostalgia all rolled into one, the game of horseshoes may be just the ticket. With very little expense and just a bit of linear space, your horseshoe pit can be set up just in time for your family reunion or neighborhood barbecue.

The game of horseshoes has been enjoyed for centuries. Historians credit the Greeks with a game called quoits for the game’s origins, but nobody knows when the use of rings in quoits shifted to the use of horseshoes. The beauty of pitching horseshoes is that it is simple, requires simple equipment and can be played by almost everyone. Although a few people take it very seriously, for the most part it is an enjoyable backyard pastime during which you can carry on a conversation and barely break a sweat. Do not be fooled by the simplicity of horseshoes. Pitching horseshoes may be easy to learn, but it is not so easy to become a skilled player.

This Sunnyside Horseshoe Quoits game includes 2 pairs of Horseshoes, 2 x Target stakes, 1 x set of rules and 1 x Score pad.
